This is a page dedicated to the wonderful music, made by Shivas Electronics
In the early days, two members of Shivas Electronics
was practising guitarplaying. They tried to sing as well as they could.
Not always did it sound enjoyable. Nevertheless they continued playing and singing.
Shivas has gone through many changes. From the beginning, as earlier
mentioned, the Shivas members played acoustic guitar and sang.
After a while they began recording their sessions, firstly on a common taperecorder.
Later on they bought a Tascam Porta Studio taperecorder.
With Porta Studio they could do their first "studiorecordings"
There might be a possibility that you can listen to some old songs from Shivas Electronics earlier days,
if you take a look below. Here you can also find the lyrics from the early Shivas Electronics
Solong (Jorek)
I Will (Lotta)
I Shall Be Released (MaxB)
Greger and his Regrets (MaxB)